Focus on Health, Not Diets This New Year

Focus on Health, Not Diets This New Year

As the new year approaches, it’s always easy to get sucked-in to the newest fad diet claims. The diet industry ramps up this time of year knowing many people gained some weight over the holidays and will be setting new year’s resolutions to lose it. It’s not surprising that weight loss becomes a focus, as our society is very focused on body image and the numbers on a scale.

Keeping Hope Alive Through the Holidays

Keeping Hope Alive Through the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and for some it's not always the most wonderful time of the year. In a recent study, a whopping 70% of Americans reported feeling extreme stress and anxiety during the holiday season due to a “lack of time,” “lack of money,” and the “pressure to give gifts." And while these holiday months are often filled with gatherings surrounded by friends and family, for others…

How to Navigate Holiday Parties in Eating Disorder Recovery

How to Navigate Holiday Parties in Eating Disorder Recovery

Holiday parties can be triggering for people who struggle with compulsive overeating or binge eating behaviors. These parties often have an abundance of foods, many of which might be “trigger foods” (foods that you may feel unsafe with because you tend to overeat or binge on that food, or foods that you emotionally eat for comfort).

Parents, is your child just "a picky eater" or is it something else?

Parents, is your child just "a picky eater" or is it something else?

So, your kid won’t eat. Is it picky eating OR could it be something much more significant? Turns out, sometimes picky eating can have a much more significant struggle going on behind the scenes. Many parents get frustrated when their toddler or school age kids come to the table and refuse to eat their fruit/vegetables or their chicken or steak…